2024 Rome, Italy

I-17 Leticia Arrington
An R package for Automated Generation of Item Response Theory Model NONMEM Control File
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-20 Magnus Åstrand
nonmem2R: An R-package for Visual Predictive Checks and Goodness-of-fit Plots
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-26 Junjie Ding
Pharmacometric drug adherence approach and its application in a clinical setting
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-41 Julie Bertrand
Model-based approach for group sequential and adaptive designs in parallel and cross-over bioequivalence studies
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-42 Robert Bies
On the Multilemma of reproducibility: Stochastic or Deterministic or Stochastic and Deterministic
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-46 Guillaume Bonnefois
A new computational approach to match control subjects to renal impaired patients in pharmacokinetic studies
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
I-54 Vincent Buchheit
Data scientists for improving efficiency and quality of quantitative clinical pharmacology analyses
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
II-02 Markus Krauß
Mice with human livers improve First-in-Human prediction of pharmacokinetics
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-03 Rukmini Kumar
Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) tools to aid in model development and communication: Vantage QSP Modeling Tools (VQM-Tools)
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-14 So Jin Lee
The new era of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling and simulation in drug development in Korea
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-18 Yisheng Li
A semi-mechanistic dose-finding design in oncology using pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-29 Nicolas Luyckx
Improving the performances of clinical trial simulations in Simulo using compiled code
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-30 Yassine Kamal Lyauk
Dose Finding in Clinical Development of 60 FDA-Approved Drugs Compared to the Learning versus Confirming Paradigm
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
II-72 Nathalie Perdaems
Translational PK-RO modelling for a mAb to predict the outcome of the first in human study
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
III-22 Jaydeep Sinha
Extension of the Janmahasatian fat-free mass model to account for ethnicity-related bias
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-24 Eunjung Song
Selection of optimal study design based on the bioequivalence simulation study in highly variable drugs
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-44 Pauline Traynard
New library of double absorptions PK models for the MonolixSuite, application to veralipride pharmacokinetics
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-74 Sebastian Wicha
TDMxR: an open-source package for model-based therapeutic drug monitoring in R
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-79 Dan Wright
Kinetic-pharmacodynamic models in the setting of non-linear drug elimination
Thursday 09:55-11:20
III-87 Yang Zhang
Ways to improve the efficiency of pharmacometric model implemented in R using deSovle – an example with a PK model for ADC
Thursday 09:55-11:20
IV-06 Dimitra Eleftheriadou
Aluminium biokinetics: Elucidating the speciation kinetics of the aluminium-citrate system in vitro.
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-16 Valentina Fermanelli
Correlation structure of Apolipoprotein A4, C3, E kinetics parameters
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-33 Mario Gonzalez Sales
Assembling pharmacometric datasets in R: the puzzle package
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-47 Charlotte Kloft
Review of NMLE articles published in clinical journals with a higher impact factor
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-69 Fabian Jung
Simulation of the environmental exposure to fenofibrate nanomaterials based on in vitro- and in silico methods
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-71 Evangelos Karakitsios
A methodology to estimate population pharmacokinetic parameters from aggregate concentration-time data and its application to gevokizumab.
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-73 Eleni Karatza
Investigation of the impact of population parameters describing gastric emptying on bioequivalence metrics
Thursday 15:25-16:50